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About Us


  • PetSave Mission Statement
  • PetSave Friends
  • Corporate Sponsors


PetSave Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation founded in June 2000 as a rescue, binomo rehabilitation, and adoption resource for domestic rabbits. We provide rabbit spay and neuter, health, behavior, and general care information to the public. We also provide referrals to dog and cat rescue organizations as a public service.


PetSave Foundation was founded by Bona Tucker, who initially began her work in rabbit rescue as a volunteer for other organizations. In that capacity, she assisted with rounding up rabbits abandoned in streets and parks, fostered rescued rabbits, and set up tables at pet stores to educate people on responsible pet ownership, binomo investment and the joys and possibilities of house rabbit companionship. In June 2000, she formed PetSave Foundation in order to more effectively care for the increasing number of rabbits that were being brought to her.

The number of domestic rabbits that are abandoned in parks, fields, and parking lots, or are just “released” in the area, is staggering. There is a public misconception that rabbits can survive when they are “set free”. The sad truth is that all domesticated creatures depend on human beings for their survival; ultimately, rabbits suffer the same fate as dogs and cats released in the same manner. As prey animals, rabbits may also become victims of feral or abandoned cats, dogs, and various wildlife.

Each rabbit rescued by PetSave undergoes a thorough veterinary examination, and is provided any necessary medical care. Once healthy, they are spayed or neutered, and are given the best food, housing, and veterinary care possible. Adoption opportunities are actively pursued, and every rabbit adopted into a qualified home allows us to accept a new rescue into the organization. Over the past years, PetSave has rescued over 800 rabbits, and has placed over 500 of these rabbits into adoptive homes.

PetSave Foundation feels that the key to reducing rabbit overpopulation and owner abandonment is by educating the public on:
· The need to spay and neuter all companion animals to reduce the number of
   unwanted pets;
· Health and behavior information; and
· Proper care and housing of rabbits.

Our education efforts include:
· Answering daily phone calls from the public;
· Assisting with “found” animals;
· Conducting tour groups of the PetSave adoption facility;
· Visiting schools to educate children on responsible pet ownership;
· Publishing a newsletter;
· Developing a website; and
· Providing volunteer opportunities to groups and individuals.

PetSave Foundation’s mission is twofold: 1) to provide a safe haven for abused and abandoned domestic rabbits; and 2) to provide the public with any information necessary to reduce pet overpopulation, and ensure that the pet/guardian relationship provides a lifetime, loving home for the pet.